Monday, January 30, 2012

American Girl

Today Isabella went to the Optometrist to have her tear duct tear checked then after we were done at Children’s Hospital in Seattle, she and I went on a Mommy Daughter date to the American Girl Doll Store. There she got to use her Christmas and Birthday Money to buy her very first American Girl Doll. She was in heaven it took quite awhile for her to pick but after much deliberation she has picked Rebecca. After purchasing her doll we went and had lunch in the CafĂ©. They even let Rebecca have her own seat and tea cup. It was a wonderful outing and one neither of us with ever forget.  

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Roller Skating

Well in all of our days of school Mom was going a little crazy and the kids were getting a little cabin fever, so we went roller skating and it was wonderful. Archer has decided it is his new favorite thing and wants to go daily now.

Snow, ice, wind and by the way powers out

Well we had a week of wild weather. Snow, ice, wind and 3 day of the power being out. It was quite an adventure. The kids really enjoyed the snow for the most part and even the power being out wasn’t too bad for the 1st few days we were very grateful when it came back on. We will have a lot of tree clean to do but we can see spring around the corner and we were all grateful for the beautiful snow, time playing games, reading books and Bella made us mini treats in her new donut maker.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 7th Birthday Party!

Well it was a Jolly Holiday kind of Day at our house. Isabella had Mary Poppin’s 7th Birthday Party with 9 of her little girlfriends. They started there day having tea and sandwiches. They had a spoonful of sugar race then had popcorn, cupcakes and homemade candy apples while they watch the movie. We finished the day off with presents and Bert’s chalk drawings. Over all it was a wonderful day with lots of fun and even a little snow.  So here it is all the work was totally worth it seeing the joy Bella had with her friends today.


Birthday Girl

Candy Apples

Spoon Full of Sugar

Spoon Full of Sugar Race

A big thanks to my girlfriend Nicole who took pics and was a second set of hands.