Saturday, April 28, 2012

April Fun in the Sun

We had a wonderful spring break went camping with our friends The Lucero’s and The VanderPol’s. The kids had a wonderful time riding bikes, shooting bows, eating sugar and throwing rocks in the river. Over all a great time with amazing weather. We also went to the Zoo and Red Mill Burger with my cousin Michelle.

Easter Fun

We had a fun filled Easter this year. Coloring Eggs with Nonna and Papa, going to Easter service at Faith and then an afternoon of family, food and egg hunt fun. The extra special treat this year Jake got the kids bunnies. Isabella has Princess Sparkle and Archer's is Pinecone.  

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Archer's 5th Birthday

It is hard to believe but our baby is 5. He had a fun filled Birthday week starting with a roller skating  Mario party with his friends at the skating rink. He then had his special day at pre-school. Had a fun filled birthday with pancakes, a surprise trip to Wal-Mart with Papa and Nonna to get a new bike and a dinner and McDonald (his choice for dinner). That weekend we had a small family party at home.

Fun with the Band

For those of you who don’t know Jake is now in the Eastside Firefighters Pipes and Drums band. Below are pictures of the band playing on St Patrick’s Day and the Kirkland Fire Fighters Ball

Fun Filled March

March just seemed to fly by. We have had so much fun this month and it seemed that every day was full of stuff to do.

Yardwork has been a big part of life since the winter storm. When the weather is nice you will find us in the yard burning brush, cutting wood and planting new landscape.

Archer finished up basketball he had a wonderful first season and a great coach.

I celebrated my 31st birthday with my family. We went to the Rock for lunch and had a wonderful day hanging out.

We also had some wild weather for spring.

Isabella got to participate in her first Girls scouting even the 100 year birthday of GS. It was a lot of fun.

Isabella and Nonna went to the Fancy Nancy Ballet.

Archer, Jake and I went Ice skating..

We got to have dinner with our friends from Arizona and cousins from Washington it was great to hang out and talk about old times.

I had a night out with my girlfriend at the Girlfirends Sock Hop at Faith.