Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Holiday Fun and a little perspective.

Can’t believe December is almost half way over. We have had a lot of fun so far this month and also a little perspective and reminder of what is really important.

Isabella and I went on a date to her school Bingo for books. We had a lot of fun and both won books.

Bella and Nora.
The church where Archer goes to Pre-school had a gingerbread decorating party. It was a lot of fun and I think Archer ate 2 tubs of frosting.

The Kids had fun at the Archery Club Christmas party with friends and cousins.

We got to go up to Greenwater and get a Christmas Tree and go sledding with our cousins. It was a really great time with lots of laughs memory making for the kids.

Even the Moms went sledding.

The kids did a great job decorating the tree.
My kids asked what I wanted for Christmas and I said all I want is them to have a pic with Santa. They did a wonderful job but couldn't wait to give it to me.
I hosted a table this year at our women’s Christmas dinner at Faith. It was a beautiful night surrounded with some of my favorite women. It was a ton of fun and Jake was our server for the night so that made it even better.

Isabella and I took Aunt Diane to the Evergreen City Ballet for the Nutcracker. It was an amazing performance. I would highly recommend it with very reasonable ticket prices and fun for kids and adults

We also got a little reminder about what we really should be grateful for. Our cousins/friends  John and Nicole’s little boy had to have emergency brain surgery this last Friday. Brogan is doing much better now but it really reminds us about all we have to thank God for and the blessing of his healing that he can give. We are so thankful that Brogan is healing so well and ask that our friends and family continue to pray for him and his family.

Archer sent Brogie one of his favorite Rescue Heros to help him feel better. They love to play with them together and I hope they can again soon.

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