Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween Fun!

Well Halloween 2011 was a fun one. Started with a Halloween party I helped with at Bella’s school. Then to Papa and Nonna’s for a Halloween party because Archer’s school doesn’t have one and of course Nonna wouldn’t let Archer be sad about that. Then off for trick or treating at the 8 houses we go to for candy and goodies and they made out like little bandits cause they are the only kids who trick or treat in the neighborhood. The weather was great no rain till we got home and the kids picked from costumes we already has so made it an inexpensive year for us. The only thing we could have asked for was having Daddy home from work, but hopefully next year. Hope you all had a great Halloween and Happy November!

Bellas teacher borrowed our pumpkin outfit.

Papa and Ben got to come in from working on the boat so Archer had guests at the party

 Nonna got Milo a costume. He didn't care for it much.

 Nonna also found Bella halloween nails in the markdown bin last year. She was so excited you thought she gave her gold or something. Turns out they last about an hour and then hurt to much to keep on.

Iron Man
 Super Girl

We also got to see Walker for his 1st Halloween

Trick or Treating

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