Sunday, October 30, 2011

October just flew by and the holidays are right around the corner.
Here is a small peak of the fun we have had this week. Bella had 1/2 days this week at school so we had alot of extra fun.

Bella got to have a playdate at Nora's house they got to play chess together since Nora's sister has been giving her lessons and Bella has been learning to play also.

Archer had is class field trip to the pumpkin patch.

Papa and Nonna invited us over to carve pumpkins and Towner and his friend Ben came down for a visit from the islands to carve with us, Towner also had his friend Becca and her son join us.

Bella and Archer made us cake pops for our anniversary.

"Look Mom" is what Archer said I was in shock.

 On firday we got to have our friends Kevin and Sarah over for dinner and there sweet 3 week old Walker.

Saturday we had a wonderful time at our friend Erik and Naomi's at the Apple pressing party.

Grandpa Joe and Grandma Kathy came over for dinner tonight and of course they brought the kids goodies.

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