Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Well this has been a crazy last couple of weeks. We have had a lot of fun and also more doctors appointments then I think we have had in the last 6 months all combined. For those of you who don’t know Jake had surgery to remove a lump off the back of his calf muscle. The doctors didn’t know if it was a tumor or a vein problem. He got push to one doc to the next with X-rays and MRI’s. It ended up being a vein that ruptured with a clot inside from injury. The doc removed it he is doing great and will be back to full duty work tomorrow. Poor Bella ended up having an ear infection and bronchitis and was in bed for 3 days and missed her first day of school ever being sick. It has been a full couple of weeks but everyone is on the mend and hoping to stay that way. Hope you are all enjoying fall.
I went to a wonderful Oktoberfest party with my girlfriend Emily at her neighbor Cindy & John's house. Every year they throw an amazing party with food, music and a raffle to win prizes from Oktoberfest in Germany. This is my second year going and can't wait for next year.

This years beer stine

Jake went to our churches Men’s Retreat. He had a lot of fun making new friends and doing all the fun out door stuff. Mountain biking, shooting, zip line and so much more.  

Jake is now volunteering at Awanas with the kids. Last week was construction night. I don’t know who has more fun the kids or Dad.

Bella's school had there PTA walkathon. She had a wonderful time and the weather was beautiful.

Archer got to go to a really fun UP birthday party celebrating our cousin Ella’s 7th Birthday. Poor Bella was sick and not able to come but he did bring goodies home for her.

Nic made them super cute soda pop badges just like in the movie.
They got to have popcorn and soda and watch the movie.

Jake took Archer to the supermall that has a free pumpkin decorating party every year.

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