Thursday, September 22, 2011

It has been a fun filled couple of weeks. I keep saying oh need to post on the blog then I look at the calendar and realized 2 weeks went by. Time just fly’s when you are having fun. Started the week with MOPS! I am a DGL (discussion group leader) this year. I have a great group of ladies at my table this year and am looking forward to a fun filled year getting to know them and spend time with friends old and new.
Archer went and had his 20 minute visit with Mrs. Brown. He got to put his picture on the wall and pick his coat hook and mail box out.

The kids started awanas this week. Bella is in her 2nd year of sparks and Archer his 2nd year of cubbies. They are looking forward to a fun year.
We spent Saturday celebrating one of my BFF’s 30th Birthdays at the Yella Beak. It was a great time of dancing, friends and cake!


Sunday we went to our cousin John and Nicole’s little guy Brogan's 1st birthday party. It was so cute monkey themed with some beautiful decorations that Nic made and the birthday boy is such a sweetheart.

Archer started his 2nd year of pre-school this week. He loves it and wants to go everyday!

One of the Pre-school Moms made every kid in class these cute owl hats. Since there animal this year is owls. Archer wants to wear his all the time. I have to make him take it off at bed time. Thanks Jess!

We went to Open house at Bella’s school. She got to show me around her class room and learn about everything that goes on thru out her school day. This is her wonderful teacher Mrs. Roback who is due with her 1st baby in November.

The sunflowers are growing like crazy and the pumpkins are turning orange. My friend Christy and I made homemade apple/pear sauce and I am hoping to pick more black berries this week.

That's it for now hope you are enjoying these last few days of summer!

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