Monday, September 12, 2011

Well we are in the full swing of school and the days seem fuller than ever. We started our week off at the Labor Day parade with my Mom and John, Nicole, Ella and Brogan in Black Diamond. The kids do love a good parade. Isabella is having a great time at school; she loves her teachers and her friends. She is tried by the time school is over for the day but I know she will get use to the long days.

Bella and Archer started getting an allowance this week with their chore chart. Big Kids!

We met my parents and brother at the Puyallup fair for our annual trip. It was a warm day but a lot of fun. We enjoy the day and the beautiful animals, artwork and produce.

The garden is growing like crazy the pumpkins are turning orange. The kids and I harvested 3 of them today. We have 7 of them that are still green and the Sunflowers are amazing.

1 comment:

  1. The dog pulling the trailer is hilarious. Is that a St Bernard?
