Monday, June 27, 2011

Fun Few Days

It is amazing what you can pack into a few days.
Only a week into summer and we have been having fun.

We were invited to the Story time in the park at Lake Wilderness by our cousins Nicole, Ella and Brogan. It was a lot of fun having story time outside in beautiful weather and the ladies at the Library do a great job of telling stories, singing songs and have fun little things for the kids to do. Nicole and the kids also came over one night for pizza both our hubbies were working so we figured nothing better dinner we don't have to cook and the kids played dress up.
Archer Dancing to the silly songs in the park
  Super Heros


Dancing Girls

I don’t know what the child labor laws are but the kids have been doing a lot of work with us. The entire family along with Papa and Nonna spread 40 yards of gravel between are two drive ways and road plus we got Great Grandma and Grandpa’s roads looking pretty good too.  Also with Papa newly retired he has been doing lots of work around there house, whenever they see him out there they are yelling out the window “Can we help Papa”? It is very rare he denies there request unless there safety is at stake.

Kilts, Games and Music
Jake took the kids and I to the Tacoma Highlander Games in Graham. The kids had so much fun and learned lots of new things about the Scottish people.
We also got to see our friend Emily which is always a treat.

Pipes, Drums, Friends and a few Drinks We went to Eastside firefighters Pipes and Drums fundraiser at the Terrible Beauty Irish Pub in Renton had a lot of fun with some of Jake firefighter buddies and our friends Emily and Brian joined us and my cousins Cassie and Michelle got to come too. It was a great time.

We also started a summer study with some great friends and the kids had so much for playing over at Dan and Aprils house.
This is Myles there are 2 reason I have to post this pic
1- Myles is one of the most beautiful children I have ever seen
2- Myles was eating an orange popcicle and cheetos at the same time
and had this orange ring around his mouth  like  I never had  seen before.
The stawberries are starting to ripen. The kids helped Nonna pick.
(Which means Bella helped Archer ate)
And last but not least big excitement for us Bella lost another tooth she is up to 4 missing now. I hope they start growing in or we are going to be eating a lot of soup and ice cream
Well that is it for now. Lots going on and fun to be had hope you are all well and enjoying summer

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun! I wish I could have gone and listened to the pipes and drums with you guys! Next time!
