Wednesday, July 6, 2011

God Bless America! 4th of July 2011

We had quite a fun filled 4th of July this year. It started with the Enumclaw parade with our Cousins Michelle, John, Nicole and Kiddos and Uncle Joe, Aunt Martha and Nonna. The kids had such a great time and it is the perfect parade not to big not too small and parking super close. We headed home to have burgers and dogs with Papa, Nonna, Great Grandma and Grandpa and had a little down time.

Love a man in uniform

Then we headed to Grandma Kathy (Jakes Step Mom) family’s house for more BBQ and firework fun.
Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Joe

This is a laptop firework they come up with new stuff every year. It is 12 diffrent foutains that go off one at a time.

After that we headed to the hill to watch the lake meridian fireworks with Uncle Joe and Aunt Martha,  Chuck and Johanna and Papa and Nonna of course.

Needless to say we had a great day surrounded by family and friends we are so blessed to live in such a wonderful country.

1 comment:

  1. We had a great time at the parade with you guys! (As always!) Looks like the rest of your day was fun filled! I can't believe there is a laptop firework!
