Monday, August 1, 2011

Birthday's and Bowling

It has been a very full fun fast week. The kids did their second VBS which I was a bad mommy and didn't take any pictures of. I spend a few days with my girlfriend’s school shopping while we were kid free. Bella also had a sleep over with her buddy Reagan and again bad Mom didn't take any pics. But we did go to our friend Lexi and Kikis birthday pool party and I did take pics of that. The kids swam for hours and crashed when they got home. We also went for the kids first time to the bowling alley on Sunday when it was raining. They both loved to bowl and want to go back again. Can't believe August is here and only 30 more days of summer vacation. We are going to try and use every moment of it for family fun and hopefully some great weather to enjoy.

Beautiful butterfly on my hanging basket
 Swimming fun

 Birthday Girls opening gifts
Princess Kiki
 Bowling kids

 Bella got a 93 her first time bowling
Family fun

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