Monday, August 29, 2011

90th Birthday's, engagements, baby showers, tree cutting and canoes it’s been a full week

We started the week with our Cousins John, Nicole, Ella and Brogan. We had a great evening just hanging out, BBQing and watching the kids play

 On Monday we went with my girlfriend April and her sweet kiddos to the zoo, the kids had a wonderful time and we got in the car just in time for the rain to start.

Our deer Ariel came to visit and brought her new baby "flower" as the kids have so lovingly named it. I think flower is a boy so we will see if the name changes.

Wednesday we went with Nicole, Ella and Brogan down to my best buddy Emily's house for horse riding and a picnic lunch. The kids had a blast. On the way home we stopped for yummy ice cream in Enumclaw and it was heavenly.Then home for some fun in the pool.

On Wednesday we had a very exciting time with our friend Hogan. He came and did major work on our giant tree in our front yard. It is so much healthier and the danger of one of the many broke branches taking out the kids is no longer a risk.
 The before shot.
After and yes that is Hogan in the top of the tree.

Thanks Hogan!
He had an audience to watch his skills. 

Saturday was a fun day. We got to go to our friend Sarah’s baby shower thrown by her sisters in law Sommer and Leah. Very fun and they had the cutest theme "Cute as a button"

After the shower we went to Grandma Mary's 90th Birthday party which was special all by itself. But it got better, Jakes cousin Kelly got engaged to her long time boyfriend Reese. It was so special to witness and there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Look at that rock!

Sunday was one of my favorite days ever with my son. Archer and I went to Lake Retreat with our churches annual picnic. We canoed around the lake Archer said
“Mama was his best day ever.”

 When we came home Archer and I picked goodies out of the garden and played outside.
 While we were at the lake Bella went with my girlfriends Christy and April and girls to Miss Cindy’s house for a pre-school fashion show tea. She had so much fun and can't wait to do it again next year.

I also canned more peaches.This week  Yummy!

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