Thursday, August 18, 2011

Last week was a lot of first and family fun.

It started with kids first outing to lunch alone with their Great-Grandpa and Grandma Buck atRed Robin.
Isabella passed her first level of Ice Skating and got her award and patch. She is ready for level 2 and which she wants to start ASAP but mom thinks we will skip fall and start again in winter just to get use to our going to school routine before we add and more to it.

Isabella had her first sleepover at Aunt Diane's house. They stayed up very late she had 2 scoops of ice cream and got to go shopping for a new school outfit. Lucky Girl

The next day Aunt Diane took us to a friend’s house that has an alpaca farm. The kids got to pet and feed the alpacas and learn a little about them.

We had a lazy day of picking berries and making forts.

Isabella got to go to Papa’s union meeting and won the 3rd place award for her drawing in the kindergarten division. She got a beautiful certificate and a $25 gift card to Toys R Us.
Great-Great Uncle Chris had a wedding gig and came to visit us from California. The kids had a wonderful time playing and chasing him around.

The kids and I went to the Flint Tip Annual picnic while Jake was at work. We all had so much fun shooting our bows, participating in the egg toss, the kids did the piƱata and Papa & Archer did the pie eating contest.

To end the week of Bella and Archer got there award of a kaleidoscope from the library for reading 1000 minutes in the summer reading program.

Wow that was alot of stuff in one week.

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